Flag Football
Flag Football
It’s all about the kids
2021 Football season
Welcome Parents
Flag Football normally begins the first Saturday after Labor Day. Check the football calendar for an exact date.
Participants should dress in shorts, a t-shirt and either sneakers or cleats. As the weather gets colder sweatpants and/or sweatshirts would be more appropriate.
Everyone should bring a water bottle.
Online sign ups are still open! Click on the Registration Tab to get started.
We strive to run a program that provides a good football foundation, develops skills and most of all, is FUN!
If you have any questions or are interested in adding your name to the coaching list (it takes no prior experience, just the desire to help), please email the Football Committee at ebc-fb-committee@goolgegroups.com
Fundamentals Positioning
Blocking Running Plays
Mission Statement
To provide access to affordable, quality programs and initiatives that will enable our youth to grow and mature into productive members of our community, better students, friends and teammates.